wine labels for weddings
2014-11-13|Kategoria: Produkcja / Ślub i Wesele

Wedding is always a great opportunity for guests to give the married couple something interesting. But on the other hand, the hosts always try to give the people who arrive at the party somethin, what will make it unforgetable. Some people give special choclates, some CDs with vide, but some give away drinks in bottles. It is a good idea, to make this bottles somehow special. For example, you can prepare special wine labels. This will make your guests happy, not only because you give them good vintage.

How to do it?

Answer is very simple. The Bottlabel company prepares special wine labels for weddings. You just give them a project or simply idea of hwat you want to be put on such sticker, and they will do it. Those wine labels for weddings are a good way to distingush bottle. It is not neccesary, that you give away this bottles. You can just mark the wine you serve to the guests. The choice is yours. Anyway, if you think about making such bottles, contact the Bottlabel company.

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